MiRus announces a lifetime limited warranty on MoRe superalloy rod 


MiRus has announced the launch of MoRe Promise, a lifetime limited warranty on its Molybdenum-Rhenium (MoRe) superalloy rod technology. In a company press release, MiRus states the warranty will cover full replacement of the MoRe Rod and corresponding MiRus hardware used in spinal fusion cases should the MoRe Rod fracture. 

According to MiRus, the warranty will cover all thoracolumbar MoRe rods implanted as part of the EUROPA pedicle screw system supplied by MiRus in the USA from 1 March 2021.   

Jay Yadav, founder and CEO of MiRus, (Atlanta, USA) stated, “Because of our confidence in the science behind the MoRe alloy technology, MiRus is taking the extra step to warranty each MoRe rod implanted for the duration of the patient’s life. This is a testament to our belief in MoRe’s dramatically superior mechanical and biological properties.”

Christopher Ames, co-director, Spinal Surgery and Spine Center Director, Spine Tumor and Spinal Deformity Surgery at University of California San Francisco,  USA, stated “solutions for preventing revisions in complex adult spine surgery are key to assuring its viability in the future under increasing cost pressures.   Despite the use of multiple rods composed of titanium and cobalt we have still seen rod fractures.  Development and deployment of novel alloys and rod morphologies in spine surgery is a valuable advance that hopefully will lower the cost and improve the care of our patients. New alloys and shapes along with PJF prevention, better understanding of alignment and the host fusion substrate through predictive modeling and big data will shape the future of complex long construct surgery.”


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