First four patients enrolled in expanded clinical study of sacroiliac joint fusion


The first four patients have been enrolled in the expanded Evolusion (EVSI) clinical study. This prospective, 40-site, 250-patient trial will evaluate long-term fusion and pain reduction in patients treated by Zyga’s SImmetry sacroiliac joint fusion device.

“Minimally invasive sacroiliac joint fusion procedures are rapidly gaining acceptance within the medical community, but it is important that the technology gives patients the best opportunity for long-term relief,” says Antoine G Tohmeh, the orthopaedic surgeon who performed the procedures at Deaconess Hospital in Spokane, USA. “I believe that a true fusion, including decortication, bone grafting and fixation, is critical to achieving that goal. Studies such as EVoluSIon are important to reinforce our knowledge and the growing base of clinical evidence for SI joint fusion.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists back problems as the second most common cause of disability in US adults. It has been reported that approximately 20% of all chronic low back pain derives from the sacroiliac joint.